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瑞士 . Tecan




瑞士TECAN 帝肯 www.tecan.com www.tecan.cn 
瑞士Tecan是全球领先的生命科学与生物制药、法医和临床诊断领域自动化及解决方案供应商。公司成立于1980年,总部设在瑞士Männedorf,分别在瑞士、北美和奥地利设有自己的研发和生产基地,目前公司主要经营的产品有三大类:全自动化液体处理平台 ( Liquid Handling & Robotics )、多功能酶标仪(Multimode Reader)和OEM组件。销售服务网络遍布世界52个国家,客户覆盖制药企业、生物技术公司、科研院所、法医、医院、血站系统和疾病控制中心(CDC)等。其液体处理技术已拥有行业经验32年,在全球处于领先地位,备受世界领先生命科学实验室的青睐。作为原始设备制造商(OEM),Tecan同样在OEM设备和组件开发和生产方面占有世界领先地位。2011年,Tecan创造了3.77亿瑞士法郎(即4.24亿美元;或3.06亿欧元)的销售业绩。Tecan集团的注册股票在瑞士证券交易所交易 (TK: TECN/Reuters: TECZn.S/ ISIN: 12100191)。 

瑞士Tecan于2004年在北京开设代表处,正式进驻中国市场。2008年4月在上海浦东成立帝肯(上海)贸易有限公司, 作为Tecan集团在亚太地区(日本及韩国除外)总部,全面负责Tecan集团在中国的所有商业活动,包括销售、市场活动与合作、以及客户支持。帝肯(上海)目前拥有一支专业的售前和售后服务团队,在科研、制药、公安刑侦、医院、血站、CDC和CIQ领域构建了良好的经销和售后服务网络,并以“力求比客户期望做的更好”的服务理念,给广大的终端用户提供专业的服务。我们致力于成为包括客户在内的所有合作方的首选合作伙伴(Partner of Choice)。

Sales/Marketing: infotecancn@tecan.com
Service: helpdesk-cn@tecan.com   



Our vision is to transform the knowledge of our employees and customers into solutions that enable healthcare.
Tecan is one of the world’s leading players in the growing Life Sciences supply industry. We specialize in the development, production, distribution and servicing of enabling solutions for the discovery of pharmaceutical substances, as well as for genomics, proteomics, and diagnostics.
Founded in 1980 by four engineers to develop measurement, analysis and laboratory automation instruments, success quickly led to Tecan producing its own instruments and OEM products. Today Tecan, incorporated in Mannedorf/Zurich, Switzerland, provides leading edge and high quality technology to demanding customers around the world.
Tecan operates manufacturing, research and development sites in both North America and Europe and maintains a sales and service network in more than 50 countries. Tecan’s publicly traded shares are registered at the Swiss Exchange SWX under the “TECN” symbol.