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德国 . FAST ComTec




FAST ComTec  www.fastcomtec.com
FAST ComTec GmbH 是一个致力于设计制造与销售快电子类科学仪器的公司。主要产品有光子记数/TOF/多路定标卡,多参数获取系统,瞬时记录器,多道分析器.射线发生和探测器,穆斯堡尔系统以及各种NIM插件.同时,FAST ComTec 公司也生产 X射线光谱器、数字转换器、数字信号处理器、大容量存储器及混合放大器等相关产品。

Clover Technology Group,
phone: +86-10-8802 6852/6853/6854/6855
fax: 6856

We are dedicated to the design and marketing of innovative scientific instrumentation. Founded in 1984 by Norbert Gnieser, Rolf Schwall and a group of professionals as CMTE Elektronik the company has developed and manufactured NIM instruments under the Canberra Label. Soon thereafter the first CMTE labeled products were developed: a PC-based Multichannel Analyzer Model MCD/PC and the first ever PC-based Multiparameter System for up to eight ADCs. In 1987 CMTE acquired FAST Data Systems and was renamed CMTE FAST Datensysteme GmbH.